Wednesday 14 December 2011

Choosing PPC software

Good morning.

I hope you are well and your work is nearly done?

This morning I received a document discussing criteria for choosing pay per click software.

There is, included, a useful checklist to ensure you are using the relevant criteria to determine whether this is relevant for your business. There are links on the document (a PDF) which take you to a webpage on the publishers website with further detail relating to lower the adwords/pcc charges.

An interesting and enlightening read which may save your business a good amount of money - it will certainly increase your knowledge on this matter which in itself is a good investment of time.

As usual, there is no charge to yourself, just email me your request (I can't attach the document to linked in messages) I will get the document to you as soon as I can.

Enjoy the Christmas break if I don't catch up with you before,

With kind regards,

Ryan Speed

Monday 5 December 2011

Media payables

One of the U.K's leading corporate communications agencies seeks a Accounts Payable Assistant to join their accounts team in central London. Our client is involved in adding value to a commercial business engaging with the business' target client by improving the effectiveness of our clients corporate communications strategy.

Seeking a individual with experience within media accounts/finance able to ensure accurate billing and invoicing by accurately keying and coding of both inbound and outbound invoices on the nominal ledger. The individual should be a lateral thinker able to think in a joined up manner and understand the value of accurate and prompt accounts payable function to the business. The successful applicant will also need to be a confident communicator managing expectations along the way whilst remaining passionate about delivering a well organised and slick service.

The ideal applicant will have at least two years experience in media accounts/finance.
Able to manage the expectations of 200 internal customers
Upbeat, personable and engaging whilst being able to manage a varying workload.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Get Frugal!

7 Habits of Highly Frugal People

The book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has sold over 15 million copies since it was first published in 1989, teaching people all over the world how to live a happier, more successful and more satisfying life. One of the prevailing themes of the book is the fact that to change your life you need to change your attitude because no one else is responsible for what happens to you but you, so you can either complain about the things you don’t like in your life or you can set about changing them. Not surprisingly, this directly relates to the state of your finances.
If you are tired of living week to week, of having your phone regularly cut off or having to make excuses to skip dinners with your friends if the money has run out before the end of the month then you can use the seven habits of highly effective people to take control of your money situation and live a more frugal lifestyle, and a happier one.

Habit One: Be Proactive

The first habits of highly effective people is to take responsibility for your life, there is no one else to blame but yourself. Regardless of how you were raised or how you were treated at school you are able to choose your behavior now. Being proactive means understanding that you are in control of the direction your life takes and in control of your day to day interactions. Whereas a reactive person is often affected by their environment and will find external sources to blame for their behavior, for example if the weather is good they are in a good mood but if the weather is bad it affects their attitude and so the weather is to blame for their bad mood.
However what most people forget is that between the stimulus and your response is your freedom to choose your response, and one of the most important things you choose are your words. The language you use is an effective indication of how you see yourself and if you use proactive language such as ‘I can’ or ‘I will’ you are starting with a more positive attitude than a reactive person who uses language like ‘I can’t’ or ‘I have to’ or ‘if only…’
How to be proactive for effective frugality:
  • Take the first step. You cannot take control of your finances until you make the commitment to do so because the more you ignore the situation the worse it will get. Instead take a long hard look at your finances and your budget, your debts, income and expenses and understand where your money is going and where you can budget better. Tell people. Using proactive language to vocalize your goal of being more frugal and more financially responsible not only helps you crystallize your goal but can also help you avoid the peer pressure which can make budgeting and frugality hard. If you explain to your friends and family how you are trying to live a more frugal lifestyle then they are less likely to pressure you into one more round of drinks at the pub or dinner out, again.
  • Listen. Listen to yourself and listen to the reasons you give each time you make a purchase outside of your budget or decide not to put those spare funds into your savings account. Taking the time to stop and listen to the reasons you give yourself for spending more than you earn will give you the opportunity to hear just how shallow many of those reasons are, and can stop you from making purchases which can impede your goal of effective frugality.

Habit Two: Begin with the End in Mind

Those who are effective in achieving their goals are able to envisage their end result despite the obstacles. Highly effective people adhere to this habit based on the principle that all things are created twice, there is the first mental creation and then the second physical creation, and the physical creation follows the mental creation in the same way as the building follows its blueprints.
If you don’t visualize what you want out of life then you are at risk of other people and external circumstances influencing your life because you are not influencing it yourself. Instead begin every day and every task with a clear vision of where you want to go and how you’re going to get there and make that vision a reality with your proactive skills from habit one.
How to visualize effective frugality:
  • Define your goal. There are many ways to live a frugal lifestyle and you need to decide on how frugal you want to be. Do you want to be debt free, do you want to build a savings account balance of a certain value or do you want to be able to live on one income in a two income household?
  • Decide how you’re going to get there. This will again draw on your budget, but you also need to be aware of the obstacles which are standing in your way. These may be literal obstacles such as credit card debts, or they may be obstacles you have identified in your behavior; for example are you spending $10 every day on junk food on your way home from work because you’re starving when you could be packing a two dollar muesli bar or a low GI lunch to keep you going until dinner. Or do you find that when you go shopping with your sister she always helps you justify a frivolous purchase when you could leave your credit card at home.

Habit Three: Put First Things First

Knowing why you are doing something is an effective motivator in helping you take the mental creation and transform that into an actual physical creation of your goal. Therefore ask yourself which are the things you find most valuable and worthy to you. When you put these things first you will be organizing and managing your time around your personal priorities to make them a reality.
However for many people it is hard to say no but this is exactly the skill you have to learn to be able to keep your goals as your first priority. While we have all of these time-saving devices and we are told we can have it all if we just achieve that elusive work-life balance in reality having it all is really about prioritizing which it is most important to you to have, and then doing that properly.
How to put effective frugality first:
  • Recognize the effects of your finances. You may not dedicate as much time as you should to managing your finances and frugal principles because you feel there is always something more important to be doing, whether it is work, taking the kids to soccer practice or getting ready for dinner with the girls. However if your finances are not under control and you are regularly spending more than you earn then this is having a negative impact on every other aspect of your life from your work to your family to your friends. Therefore you need to recognize that being frugal is your first priority.
  • Just say no. It is easy to spend more than your budgeted amount each month when you are worried about missing out on a dinner with friends, feel as though you have to cater a birthday party for your son and 50 of his closest friends or you can’t possibly wear the same suit you wore last year to a work conference. However if you recognize that you don’t have to take on everything and that it is all right to say no then you will find you are more in control of your spending and your budget.

Habit Four: Think Win-Win

Growing up most of us are taught to base our self-worth on comparisons to others and competition against our peers. We think we can only succeed if someone else has failed and if you win then that must mean I lose, and that there is only so much pie to go around and if you get a big piece then I’m going to be missing out. When you think like this you are always going to feel like you’re missing out on something and that’s not fair is it? As a result many of us retaliate and take the pie before someone else can take it from us.
Thinking in a win-win mindset allows you to see mutual benefits from all of your interactions and as a result you will see that when you share the pie it tastes even better. If you are able to approach conflicts and problems with a win-win attitude then by showing integrity and standing up for your true feelings and values allows you to express your ideas and feelings with courage while having consideration for the feelings and ideas of others. When you focus on an abundance mentality you are able to see that there is enough for everyone and you can see that balancing your confidence with empathy you can achieve your goals while helping others achieve theirs.
How to create frugal win-win situations:
  • Recognize that you don’t always know the full story. As you aim to implement frugal principles and stick to a budget you may often find yourself thinking ‘it’s not fair’. It’s not fair that they get to go out to dinner it’s not fair that they get a new car it’s not fair that they get to go on holiday and I don’t. However take the time to realize that you are only seeing a small part of the finances of your friends and family who seem to ‘have it all’ and that even though your best friend is taking the European holiday which was your dream or your brother is buying a sports car before you are, if you manage your finances frugally you will get there too and there will still be plenty of holiday destinations and plenty of fast cars when you do.
  • Understand the difference between possessions and net worth. While your friends and family may seem to have a fuller lifestyle because their house is bigger or their car is newer you need to consider how much debt they are hiding behind those possessions. True wealth is not measured in possessions but in assets and when the value of your assets is greater than the amount you owe in mortgages, car loans and credit card debts then you have a strong net worth and are truly wealthy and in aiming to live a more effectively frugal lifestyle you will be able to achieve true wealth rather than just a life full of stuff.

Habit Five: Communication

Communication is often the desire to be heard and understood and most people will listen with the intention to reply to what you’re saying rather than to understand what you have said. However to effectively communicate you need to first understand and then be understood because if you communicate with the sole intention of being understood you can find that you ignore what others are saying and miss their meaning entirely.
How listening can help you be effectively frugal:
  • You are not the only person in your life. Chances are you are married, in a relationship, have children or all of the above. As a result you are not the only person being affected by your decision to live a more frugal lifestyle and to be effective in your goal of frugality you need to be able to listen to and understand the goals and behaviors of the other people in your life. For example consider how effective your frugality would be if you were taking packed lunches to work and avoiding the afternoon coffee run but your partner was still going shopping in their lunch break; instead of living a more frugal lifestyle you are just ending up with more stuff.
  • Understand the goals and needs of others. While it is important to explain your desire to live more frugal lifestyle, it is also important that you understand the goals and needs of your family so that you can find a way to be more frugal without them having to give up all of the things which are most important to them and you can’t know what those things are unless you listen.

Habit Six: Synergize

Interactions and teamwork are some of the most important ways you can learn new skills and more effective behaviors. To synergize is the habit of creative cooperation where you work as a team to find new solutions to existing problems. Synergy is not something which just happens but is a process where you need to bring all of your personal experiences and expertise to the table to enable more effective results than you would have been able to achieve individually – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
When you have genuine interactions with people you are able to gain new insights and see new approaches to your problems which you would not have otherwise thought of.
How to synergize for effective frugality:
  • Look for new ways. In a society which has become so good at consumerism you have probably already realized that you need to find new ways of doing just about everything to be frugal. It is easy to buy your lunch every day but it is more frugal to take a packed lunch. It is easy to drive to work but it is more frugal to catch the train. It is easy to buy a new cocktail dress but it is more frugal to make one.
  • Surround yourself with other frugal people. To be successful surround yourself with people who are where you want to be and whether you join online forums on frugal living websites or strike up a friendship with the woman who runs the local shop you will be able to share ideas and learn from others to be successful.

Habit Seven: Sharpen the Saw

You are the greatest asset you have on your journey to achieving the lifestyle you want and so you need to look after yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. When you take time to renew yourself in all four areas of your life you are creating growth and change which allow you to continue with the previous six habits you have mastered, which still need to be maintained to achieve success.
How to frugally renew yourself:
  • Physically. By eating better you will feel better and if you start your own vegetable patch for example you will be able to save at the supermarket and will be eating better at the same time. Exercising keeps you fit and healthy and it doesn’t cost you anything to go for a walk or bike ride or even skip rope in the backyard. To rest your body you don’t need to go to a day spa you can simply slide into the tub at home and relax.
  • Emotionally. Interacting socially with others allows you to make meaningful connections and this can come back to a conversation with the woman at the op shop or even scheduling in coffee and a chat with your mum once a week.
  • Mentally. Exercising and expanding your mind through learning, reading, writing and teaching can be done frugally at your local library or even by volunteering at a school or retirement home to teach others a skill you may be taking for granted.
  • Spiritually. Spending time close to nature to expand your spiritual self through meditation, music, art or prayer can be done frugally by taking a quiet moment to center yourself and empty your mind before you go to bed or going for a bush walk and being grateful for the beauty of nature surrounding you.
Frugality does not mean having to give up all the luxuries and things which make you happy because if you go through developing habits 1 to 6 without spending the time to renew yourself this is how you burn out, and frugality is something you want to develop and maintain for the long-term and with these seven habits you can be a highly frugal person.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Free on line trade magazines


Ever with my ear to the ground, please take a peek at the below link which should lead you to a plethora on online FREE trade magazines. I like it as it is less prescriptive than me sending you individual links, there really is something for everyone. Please let me know how you get on.

Have a great week,

With kind regards,


Tuesday 8 November 2011

People in Media Christmas networking

Dear Members

Xmas Networking Party 2011
Tuesday 22nd November, 7.15pm – 10.15pm 
We would like to start the Xmas celebrations early, be prepared for a fun night, with lot’s of networking

Slug & Lettuce  : 17-19 Artillery Row, Westminster, SW1P 1RH
Tube : St James Park, plenty of parking in area. 
House of Fraser is on the corner of Artillery Row (off Victoria Street)  
(please only reserve a place when you are certain you can make it & if you do book & can't make it pls inform us asap - thanks)  
7.15pm  - doors open
7.30pm Speed networking begins – As it’s Xmas we will run the speed networking for most of the evening to ensure you get maximum  benefits J
for everyone working in media : TV, film, music, radio, journalism, Advertising etc – be there to meet a whole variety of media professionals

Speed Networking will commence just after 7.30pm - Pls arrive on time as we are likely to have a que, although pls do not arrive before 7.15pm
Email us to reserve your place stating you are attending  
Cost for entire evening £5  - cash at the door

Thursday 3 November 2011

Christmas networking event 2011

Tuesday 22nd November, 7.15pm – 10.15pm 
We would like to start the Xmas celebrations early, be prepared for a fun night, with lot’s of networking

Slug & Lettuce  : 17-19 Artillery Row, Westminster, SW1P 1RH
Tube : St James Park, plenty of parking in area. 
House of Fraser is on the corner of Artillery Row (off Victoria Street)  
(please only reserve a place when you are certain you can make it & if you do book & can't make it pls inform us asap - thanks)  
ps – we are all out of the country until the 21st Oct – so can not respond to calls & emails, if urgent pls email & we will respond upon our return.
7.15pm  - doors open
7.30pm Speed networking begins – As it’s Xmas we will run the speed networking for most of the evening to ensure you get maximum  benefits J
for everyone working in media : TV, film, music, radio, journalism, Advertising etc – be there to meet a whole variety of media professionals

Speed Networking will commence just after 7.30pm - Pls arrive on time as we are likely to have a que, although pls do not arrive before 7.15pm
Email us to reserve your place stating you are attending  
Cost for entire evening £5  - cash at the door
PIM Club were the first media organisation to host speed networking 5 years ago since then it has been a raving success with so many more contacts being made & projects being developed & with so many people attending our events we will commence the Speed networking from the moment the evening starts & will continue to run it through until after 9pm - this is a a great way to specifically meet many new people during the evening.

We now have over 8000 members - we would like to encourage you to attend as often as possible to ensure that you get to meet many varied people within the media industry. '
It's all about who you know....'meet the right people & make it happen'!!! 

Friday 28 October 2011

Using Linked in effectively

7 Ways to Use LinkedIn Effectively
LinkedIn is a business oriented social networking site providing professional network service free of cost. It is an online hub of professionals and companies which is helpful in many ways such as:

• To find people
• To find jobs
• To find businesses

Most of us use LinkedIn for the above stated purposes only which makes this tool under-utilized. You will be surprised to know that as per the statistics of May 2009, LinkedIn had more than 40 million registered users spanning across 170 distinct yet related industries. Owing to this fact, there are many things that we can achieve (both at the personal and professional level) with this free service.

1. Develop Connections - This is a must for every account holder, whether an individual or a company who wants to get seen across the websites and especially the search engines. Developing as many connections as possible increases the chance of profile being viewed by other people. This strategy encourages the people to enter into professional relationship with you as they contemplate your massive connections to good trust.

2. Make Proper Connections - In order to achieve what is stated in step 1, don't go about adding irrelevant or vague connections. Start by adding your friends, colleagues, clients and family members. Along with this try adding connections which are directly related to your direct connections i.e. friend of a friend.

3. Use it as a Social Media Optimization tool - The best part of LinkedIn is that the profile pages achieve good search engine results page ranking as well as good PageRank too. Utilize this opportunity properly and make the best use of the links that LinkedIn allows you to create. E.g. you can place links of your company and blog. Try to incorporate the name or your keyword in the anchor text by selecting the "Other" option when entering the information. Moreover, as you develop your connections over the time period the more important your profile gets.

4. Utilize the power of Answers section - The "Answers" section of LinkedIn is often not utilized properly. Since LinkedIn is not just another social networking platform and is a hub of professionals, quality is expected. You can use it to ask question related to your profession or business and get a rational view from experts free of cost. Moreover, if you are an expert in your domain, you can use it to build the authority by answering the questions of other members. Remember, building authority among professionals at global level is a chance you rarely get and it has long term benefits attached to it.

5. Search smartly - The real beauty of LinkedIn lies in its power of search. Anyone who is a member can search for people, jobs and companies. The best part is that these three domains are perfectly segregated and separate searched can be performed as per the requirement. It also allows the user to save the searched for future references.

6. Know about the company - If you are entering into business relationship with a company or are about to join it then LinkedIn is a tool to reckon with. It gives the detailed information not only about the company but also of the employees. Just make a search about the company by entering the company name and you will definitely be impressed with what you see.

7. Know about an individual - If you want to have some information about an individual prior to making any kind of deal with him/her just use the people search option of LinkedIn and you will get all the professional information about the individual. In case if you don't know the full name of the person there are loads of other options which can help you to zero upon him/her.

How You Can Use LinkedIn to Get Success in Your Business and Professional Career? Why You Should Use It? Watch this Free Presentation at:
Do's and Don'ts of LinkedIn For Success
DO keep your profile current.

A pox on the person who lets her LinkedIn profile languish! If you can't be bothered to keep your profile current, why should another person bother to engage with you? If I receive a Contact request, jump over to the requester's profile, and find that its details don't match what's in the requester's email message, I'm already underwhelmed. Bonus: when you update your profile, you can send a one-click blast message to let your entire first-degree network know about your news. Note: please don't abuse this feature! Reserve profile-update blasts for news on the order of a job promotion, book launch or appointment to a national opposed to news items like "I have started my PMP certification class."

DON'T confuse quantity for quality.

If I were a recruiter, I'd build the biggest network I could, on LinkedIn or otherwise. After all, there's zero downside to being able to view, and reach, a massive number of candidates when your job is locating talent. But for the rest of us, it's easy to get the notions "a big network" and "a strong network" confused. The question to ask yourself is "could I recommend this person, and could he recommend me?" If not, the principal value in any individual LinkedIn connection will be your ability to view his network (and vice versa). That's not a bad thing, but it would be a shame to mistake that kind of visibility for influence. Amassing connections can become a kind of addiction, but withdrawal will kick in when these near-strangers begin to ask you to vouch for them to your dearest friends.

DON'T pass along questionable requests.

I got religion on this item in an instant last summer, when a fellow asked me to send a friend of mine a spammy invitation to his business conference. "I can't do it," I wrote, "it's purely a marketing message." The gentleman's return message essentially ripped my head off, affirming my initial gut reaction that his request was an improper one. Don't hesitate to stand up for yourself and for your friends when sketchy requests come down the pike (and they will). If you pass along every bit of dreck that finds you, your trusted friends will start to doubt you, and that's a far worse fate than having to write to another LinkedIn user, "I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable passing this on."

DON'T abuse the Find Colleagues feature.

LinkedIn's Find Colleagues feature allows you to find old workmates and send unmediated connection requests to them, a boon if you've lost their email addresses over the years. Unfortunately, it's easy to abuse the feature by listing false employers or dates of employment on your profile. What can we say about this? If you believe in the wheel of karma, avoid the temptation to claim employers and employment dates you're not entitled to.

DO disconnect from bad apples when you need to.

Finally, it's worth noting that LinkedIn gives you the ability to disconnect from other users if you find that the connection no longer works for you. If you're plagued by inappropriate requests or other annoyances from one of your connections, you can cut the cord and save yourself from recurring headaches. Some people just don't get the notion of an online community with standards and norms; and it's not your job to teach them how to behave. Just move on.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Finance Manager

Finance Manager

A fully integrated media company seeks a Finance Manager to join their team in London on a permanent basis. Qualified accountants with + 2 years PQE applications will be considered.
Working out of the London office of this truly international brand we seek a hands on pro-active Finance Manager willing to muck in and add value by bringing a dynamism and providing high level analysis whilst being able to explain this clearly to non-finance people.
An ability to bring a hands on approach to month end management report collation is consistent and efficiently collected. Ensure monthly reporting is analysed consistently. Present findings to the senior managers explaining all financial implications. A good understanding of financial modelling to maximise cash-flow reporting and assist budgetary process accuracies in the medium term. An upbeat and engaging personality is desirable in this role due to the presenting and leadership responsibilities of the role. Strong presentational skills will be required as core to the role are responsibilities of presenting to senior management. The successful applicant will be able to evidence previous successes of maximising revenue from digital and on line sources in a challenging fast paced media, creative environ.

£50,000 circa
IMP - 114

Assistant Management Accountant

A fantastic opportunity to work in a dynamic international business in West London as an assistant management accountant has arisen. In the FMCG sector with international client base.

This analytical role requires a talented individual with an analytical mind to join the management reporting team. Assisting with both external and internal reporting commitments in a commercial environment whilst ensuring all reporting deadlines are met. Regular communication and liaison with the non-finance commercial team in the Nordic region. Due to the client profile we seek Danish speakers and a willingness to frequently travel to this region for business purposes. This role is in the FMCG sector therefore many of the reports compiled will be in regard to this. Prepayments, accruals, monthly revenue Variance analysis and report preparation in a timely manner reporting are all integral to this role.

Danish speaker
Accruals and Prepayments
2 years accounting/finance experience
FMCG desirable
MS Excel

Thursday 6 October 2011

Finance Director central London - Global Marketing

A truly global marketing solutions company has an upcoming opportunity for an experienced Finance Director to lead the accounts team in central London U.K.

This is a permanent opportunity for a experienced finance director or an experienced financial controller ready for their next challenge

The Finance Director is responsible for the management of any financial risks that occur in a company. Managing three direct reports with a mid sized accounts team. In addition the person is responsible for planning finances in a company, keeping records on the same, and making financial reports. He then presents the reports to the company’s higher management. In some instances, the Finance director is also required to analyse financial data and advice or make recommendation to the management regarding the company’s financial situation.  The finance director is a subordinate to the Chief executive Officer and therefore reports directly to this person.

As some of the team are at qualified level the applicant should also be in possession of a accounting qualification.